Defendant is charged with armed robbery and first-degree murder. The charges stem from a broken drug transaction.
At trial the prosecution calls four witnesses, including the two victims, who were driving
around looking for crack cocaine when the robbery and shooting happened.
During the direct examination of one of the witnesses, the following happens:
Q. (By prosecutor) When did you first see the defendant?
A. When we were driving around, about midnight.
Q. Had you ever met the defendant before?
A. Sure, we knew him.
Q. What name did you know him by?
Defendant: Objection, your honor. May we have a side bar?
Judge: Yes. Approach. [Lawyers come to the bench.] How's the witness going to answer?
Prosecutor: Hes going to say that he knew the defendant by the name of "Psycho."
Judge: Defense, whats your objection based on?
i. What objections and motions should be made?
ii. What are the best arguments to support the objections?
iii. What are the best arguments to oppose the objections?
iv. What are the proper rulings?
v. How else could these issues have been resolved?