Consider the use of a monad for input-output. For the purposes of this question, take the IO monad as including two operations readint and writeint which respectively read integers from stdin and write integers to stdout. If you need some support data, here it is:
To your project for this semester, a project called ms5. Then go back to all your milestones, and add all the latest versions of your modules (developed throughout the first 4 milestones) to ms5. (b) Give the types of these operators. (c) Assume MLreadint and MLwriteint are primitives with side effects for inputoutput and consider the ML expression add1 of type int: let val x = MLreadint() in MLwriteint(x+1); x end (i) Give an equivalent expression which uses the IO monad instead of side-effects, and state its type. (ii) Give a function run2diff which can be applied to your answer to part (c)(i). When so applied it should give a value in the IO monad which corresponds to ML code that runs add1 twice and returns the difference between the values read. 8 Computer Systems Modeling
Changes of state can occur when some of the symbols are generated, as indicated by the arrows.
Company XYZ has 113 different departments as follow: IT Department, CEO/Vice Presidents office (Block C) Marketing and Sales Department (Block A) Finance and Human Resource Department (Block B)
At the point when will there be an exhibition benefit in booking two non-intelligent applications on the equivalent hyperthreaded processor center so they run in equal as opposed to running consecutively, one work one after the other? Using the qualities of the organization portrayed above, plan a convention for disseminating this data across the organization. It would be ideal for you to determine the configuration of your messages and the size of any message fields This question connects with double requirement fulfillment issues (CSPs). Explain, with the aid of an example, how conditional instructions may be used to reduce the number of bubbles in a pipeline. [4 marks] (c) What is the difference between branches, interrupts, software interrupts (initiated by a SWI instruction on the ARM) and exceptions? [8 marks] (d) What is an imprecise exception and why might a processor designer prefer it to a precise exception mechanism?
Digital Communication I Information is to be conveyed from A to B using automatic repeat request (ARQ), forward error correction (FEC), and lossless compression. (a) Explain the terms ARQ, FEC and lossless compression. [5 marks] (b) If we consider each of these functions to be operating at different protocol layers, what would be the most sensible ordering of the layers, and why? [5 marks] A software module controls a car park of known capacity
The advantage of polygon scan conversion is that it is fast. Polygon scan conversion algorithms are used in computer games, flight simulators, and other applications where interactivity is important. To give a human the illusion that they are interacting with a 3D model in real time, you need to present the human with animation running at 10 frames per second or faster for passive viewing on a monitor, TV, or movie screen. Research at the University of North Samra has experimentally shown that for immersive virtual reality applications this is not high enough and at least 15 frames per second is a minimum. A scan converted model of a city (courtesy of Jon Sewell). Discuss what you learned from the dataset and the visualization. Eg based on WHO example: what limitations are introduced by the data elements (e.g. World Bank income levels)? what granularity of data is provided by the visualization?
Find a data source you are interested in exploring. Explore an ethical or societal issue introduced by the data and explained by the data. Examples: you could choose a specific country and research why measles vaccine rates developed as they did (e.g. effects of colonization, funding, political opposition, etc.); you could investigate the role of the World Bank and World Health Organization and how they make these measurements and what purposes they serve. Query: what number stable substance addressable recollections would you expect a completely associated Hopfield network comprising of 100 neurons to be prepared to do putting away?