
What nonmodifiable risk factors does mr. james have


Mr. James is 62-year-old African-American male with a past medical history of gout, type II diabetes mellitus, and high cholesterol. His father passed away at the age of 60 from a myocardial infarction; his mother is still alive and well. When he was 59, he underwent surgery for a left knee replacement. Since he turned 60, Mr. James has taken an active role in improving his health. He follows a low-fat diet, and enjoys a daily walk with his wife of 30 years. His average resting pulse rate is 70, and his blood pressure averages 140/90.

Q1. What nonmodifiable risk factors does Mr. James have for developing stroke?

Q2. What modifiable risk factors does Mr. James have for developing stroke?

Q3. What patient teaching should the nurse provide that would help Mr. James decrease his risk for stroke?

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Reference No:- TGS03379209

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