
What new theories or knowledge have you gained from reading


1) What is my response to the main point? (Be specific-is there a passage, sentence, overall?) Why?
2) What questions do you have about points made in this reading?
3) Why, do you think, this reading supports the discussion topic for this class?
4) How does this reading connect to previous readings you have had for this class?
5) What new theories or knowledge have you gained from the reading?
6) Does this reading connect to readings you have done for other classes? How are they connected or related?
7) What is one question you'd like to have the class discuss based on this reading?


1) Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castañeda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters M. L., & Zúñiga, X. (2018). Readings for diversity and social justice. (4th Ed.) New York: Routledge.

2) The social construction of difference (pp. 16-21), Cycle of Socialization (27-33); Courage (pp. 635-636); Allies (pp. 637-639)

3) Waters, R. (2010). Understanding allyhood as a developmental process. About Campus, 15(5), 2- 8.

4) Edwards, Keith E. (2006). Aspiring Social Justice Ally Identity Development: A Conceptual Model. NASPA Journal, 43(4), 39-60.

5) Tuason, T- Deprivations and privileges we all have. Pp. 205-211

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