
What new international organization emerged out of the war

1. What do we mean by the term "ideology"?

key historical terms: the Ideologues, the French Revolution of 1789, Roman Catholic Church. a scientific method, a Weltanschauung (or worldview)

2. What were the core concepts of 19th-century liberalism as a political ideology?

key historical terms: rule of law, male, suffrage, pragmatism, utilitarianism. tolerance, emancipation

3. What did 19th-century liberalism mean in terms of economic policies? key historical terms: capitalism, laissez-faire

4. Who opposed liberalism and why?

key historical figures and terms: reactionaries, conservatives, radicals. Marxist socialism. Christian socialism, Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903); an encyclical. Rerum novarum (1891), anticlericalism, Freemasons, Free Thinkers, deists, atheists

5. Were liberalism, radicalism and Marxist socialism really Jewish movements? key historical figures: Karl Marx (1818-1883), Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

Second expectation: Students will understand how World War 1(1914-1918) marked the triumph of a global, industrial society, Social Darwinism and nationalism.

key historical terms: the Entente (the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, Romania and the USA); the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire)

6. Why do we consider the war a "global" or "world" war?

7. Why do we consider the war an "industrial" war?

8. What did the war cost in people and money?

A term you should know: belligerents

9. How did the war appear to prove the tenants of Social Darwinism?

a key historical term: "struggle for existence"

10. How did the war change notions of the nation?

Third expectation: Students will understand the basic consequences of the war for Europe.

11. What happened to the idea of monarchy in Europe?

12. Flow did the geography of Europe change? (See map 2.1 The Peace Settlement in Goda)

key historical terms: Czechoslovakia. Poland. Lithuania. Latvia, Estonia, Austria,

I lungary. Yugoslavia. Albania, the Soviet Union (also called Russian or the USSR). and Italy

13. What new international organization emerged out of the war?

key historical terms: the League of Nations. the Treaty of Versailles

a key historical figure: Woodrow Wilson (1856.1924; president of the US 1913-1921)

14. Flow did the Jews fair in postwar Europe?

Turn to the maps for module 2 in the course packet, and look for the map entitled European Jewish Population Distribution, circa (around) 1923

Fourth expectation: Students will understand how the war changed the Middle East.

15. How did World War I affect the Middle East while the war raged on?

key historical terms: the Armenian genocide; the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916)
Take a look at the map for module 2 that is labeled French and British Mandates in the Middle East, 1919-1945

16. How did the outcome of World War I affect the Middle East?

key historical terms: Republic of Turkey (1923), mandates. the Balfour Declaration (1917)
French mandates (with year of independence from France)

o Lebanon (1926)
o Syria (1927)
British mandates (with year of independence from the UK)
o Iraq (1932)
o Saudi Arabia (1932)
o Jordan (1946)
o Palestine
• Israel (1948)
• Palestine (when?)
o Kuwait (1961)

Fifth Expectation: Students will recognize the pessimism that emerged out of the war and some consequences of it.

17. Which country suffered severe economic crises as a result of the war and what were the consequences?

key historical terms: the Great Depression of 1919-1924. the Great Depression 1929-1933

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History: What new international organization emerged out of the war
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