Always show all the intermediate values that you can calculate. If further calculations depend on a value that you can't figure out, just use a letter (like IR1) or a guessed value and proceed.
1. In the circuit shown we measure the voltage across R4 as 2.0 V.The power dissipated by R1 is 6mW.
a) What must VS be?
b) What is the value of R1?
c) How much power does R4 dissipate?
Note: feel free to show answers & work right on the schematic
2. a) Use the method of superposition to find VR1 and IR2. Be sure to clearly show and circle your intermediate results.
3. a) Find and draw the Thévenin equivalent of the circuit shown. The load resistor is RL.
b) Find and draw the Norton equivalent of the same circuit.
c) Find the power dissipated by the load
4. Use nodal analysis to
a) find the voltage across R2 (VR2).
You MUST show all the steps of nodal analysis work to get credit, including drawing appropriate symbols and labels on the circuit shown.
b) Find the current through R3(I3).
5. Find Ceq between terminals a and b.