
What motivates you to work hard or not in school

Discuss the below:

1. Review about Herzberg Motivation and hygiene factors related to job environment

2. Create a 1-2 paragraph Discussion Post on the following :

Herzberg concluded that pay was not a motivator.

a. What motivates you to work hard or not to work hard in school and on the job?

b. How important is self-motivation as opposed to external reward?

2. Answer to Zachary, Bruce and Angelicas Discussion Post


I both agree and disagree with Herzberg when he said pay was not a motivating factor. The higher the pay the better. No one says when they grow up they want to work hard for low pay. We study hard in school, go to college, and learn trades for the expectancy of getting paid for what we are worth. Even though we want to get paid enough to support ourselves, family, and be able to buy things we want, it's not everything. Having a good work environment, a good boss, and incentives are also important things to have in a job or career. I believe the most important thing is loving what you do. If you love what you do getting paid a little less is not a bad thing. I would rather get paid less and love what I do, then get paid a little more and hate to wake up every morning and go to work. I would not want to be miserable at work all day. I believe that external rewards are always a great thing to have. Although they would be nice, not all places offer things of that nature. However, self-motivation is something you can take anywhere and use anytime. I believe as adults rewards are nice but not required. We should not have to be rewarded every time we do a "good job" that was your job to do in the first place. If you have self-motivation you can do and should put 100% into everything you do, reward or no reward.


Although I am stopped working since I moved here to NC, I've been so much more motivated to finish school and do well. What motivates me to work hard in school is my family. Sounds cliche but it's the truth. My mom had the opportunity to go to college but her step mother prevented her from going. I know all my mom wants from me is to be happy in life but to also finish school not just because she couldn't but because she believes that my success in school will benefit me so much for my future career. Another reason why I say family is because I would like to earn a degree and have a great career so I can support my future children. I see how most of my family are struggling to make ends meet by working full time jobs and sometimes multiple jobs. I do not wish to have that happen to me and my own future family. In my opinion, self-motivation is very important because sometimes you will lack having support from the ones you love and doing it for yourself then for others is more satisfying (in some cases) because sometimes when achieving that goal or dream people will not always be around to reward you, congratulate you or even be really happy for you. I understand some why Herzberg concluded that pay not be a motivator but to some it is because a few people live off paycheck to paycheck. We all have something that motivates us all to do what we do but sadly, sometimes pay motivates us too.

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Other Management: What motivates you to work hard or not in school
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