
What motivated sojourner truth to become an anti-slavery

Research Proposal

Thesis Question: What motivated Sojourner Truth to become an anti-slavery advocate and what methods did she use?

Read ALL of the information below before you begin to write.

AFTER ADDING two more body pages for a total of seven, please insert ALL SEVEN behind your Sentence Outline and staple the following pages together in the exact order as indicated.

1. Cover Page
2. Research Proposal paragraph
3. Sentence Outline
4. SEVEN BODY pages of the body
5. Works Cited page


1. You need a stronger or expanded proposal paragraph___, introduction ___ or conclusion ___ .

2. _____Write your ONE-SENTENCE thesis (answer) with several points at the bottom of your introductory OR proposal paragraph. EXAMPLE: Important 18th and 19th-century social leaders in America from Pennsylvania included politician (1) Thaddeus Stevens of Lancaster, (2) social reformer Lucretia Mott of Cheltenham and the (3) Quaker Benjamin Lay of Abington.

3. Your paragraphs do not match the topic order of your thesis and/or outline.______

4. You must double space your text ____ and/or make it 12 pt. in size____ in Times New Roman style.______. Do not use large type, only 12-pt size.______

5. Your thesis answer needs several clear points. ____ OR your thesis question is not adequate. ____

6. ________ Edit this research paper, outline and/or proposal paragraph for sentence-structure errors.

7. You have run-on sentences, or sentences that run too long. _______

8. You do not have complete sentences; they are fragments. ______

9. _____ You have spelling or grammar errors.

10. Some paragraphs are too short OR need more analysis ______ ; YOU NEED MORE PAGES ______

11. You must condense this essay. You have too many words. Make the sentences shorter. ____

12. Add quotes (with source info) in the body of your paragraphs _____ or add several block quotes _____

13. _____TO AVOID PLAGIARISM, be sure to include enough parenthetical (in-text) citations that follow your extracted data in your paragraph(s). Example: "Richard Jacobs was an ex-slave and scientist who traveled the Pennsylvania wilderness trying to find artifacts," says an online article about the black scientist (Yardley, Web). If the author's name is missing, simply USE THE TITLE: ("From Slavery to Scientist," Web).Another way to cite a Web source is this way: Frederick Douglass died at a ripe old age, says the scholar James Beaufort of the University of San Diego in an online article, "The Rise of Frederick Douglass." If you gather information from a conventional book or article, the citation must provide the author's last name and page number: (Williams, pg. 42). Use a citation for indirect quotes or paraphrased text too.

14. ______Your Works Cited page is formatted wrong and/or must be alphabetized.

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Other Subject: What motivated sojourner truth to become an anti-slavery
Reference No:- TGS02249873

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