
What motivate adults to enroll in online education - this



All through this course you have been working toward developing a college-worthy project. During the first part of the class you chose a topic. During subsequent weeks you collected research, created an outline, assembled an annotated bibliography, and developed and modified a draft of your work. It is now time to turn in your project for credit.

Before submitting your project for credit please be sure to:
• Carefully proofread your words;
• The project requires an attractive, title page that includes your name and the information you are likely to find on the title page of an APA paper
• A brief outline of the presentation should appear early in the project
• The body of the presentation must touch on all important concepts in your topic
• The presentation should include several visual, audio, or animated components
• At least one quotation (with citation) is required in the presentation
• Attribute information in the presentation to the resources
• A summary must restate the main ideas of the topic
• A reference list, using APA formatting, should be included as the last page of the document
Remember, this is a presentation and not a research paper that you are creating. In week three's forum, you created a presentation. Two of the options for creating that presentation were Prezi and PowerPoint, which will work for this project. You could also use SlideBomb, Zoho, or Google Slides which are all free online presentation software like Prezi. Feel free to use other presentation tools.

Topic: Motivation for adult online learning.

Question: What motivate adults to enroll in online education?

Answer the question in one, declarative sentence: I believe that what motivates an adult learner to enroll in online education is less expensive tuition, school courses are more flexible and you don't have to physically attend class. Also Adults are now more confident and determine to finish their education.

Motivation for Adult Learning

Annotated Bibliography

The journal article:
Author(s) name(s): (Last name, first initial) Cornellius, Sarah
Year of publication: 2009
Title of the article: Adult learners' use of flexible online resources in blended programme
Name of the journal: Educational medial international
Journal Number and Issue Number: Volume: 46 Issue: 3Pages:

DOI number (if available): 10.1080/09523980903135392

1. What is the article about? This article is about how online course designers/programmers have change programs to allow students have more settings to allow the student to have more flexibility in how they learn.

2. What information did you find that is important for your topic? That online education has more flexibility in regard to how the courses are design to better serve the students need.

The book:
Author(s) name(s): (Last name, first initial) Kidd, Terry T
Year of publication: 2010
Title of the book: Online education and adult learning: new frontiers for teaching practices
Publisher: IGI Global
City and State of Publication (if the book is published out of the country provide the City and Country of Publication): Hershey, PA

1. What is the book about? The advancement of learning online and how the way of learning is changing using online resources.

2. What information did you find that is important for your topic? Those online learners have the flexibility to access the courses anywhere and at any time.

The website:
Author of the site: Megan, Christopher
Year the site was created: 2010
Title of the site: Main content area
Students finding cheaper ways to get college degrees
Date accessed: 1/15/2016
Web address: https://search.proquest.com/docview/815246928?accountid=8289

1. What is the site about? This article is about student finding affordable tuition prices that better suit their family budgets.

2. What information did you find that is important for your topic? It's important because online education is increasing due to be more affordable than traditional education.The are many recognized colleges and university that are offering the online alternatives to students because they see how the online market students are rapidly increasing.

The journal article:
Author(s) name(s): (Last name, first initial) Pearson, Sarah
Year of publication: 2010
Title of the article: The benefits of online learning
Name of the journal: Business and Economics--Accounting
Journal Number and Issue Number: Volume: 81 Issue: 3:
Article pages: 52
DOI number (if available): 1

1. What is the article about? This article is about the benefits the students get in E-learning environment.

2. What information did you find that is important for your topic? That online education has more flexibility in regard to allowing the student to work anywhere and at any time. And education is less expensive that the traditional schools because many student don't have spent money in commuting and other expenses.

The website:
Author of the site: Unknown-Staff Writer
Year the site was created: 2012
Title of the site: 10 Advantages to taking online classes
Date accessed: 1/15/2016
Web address: https://oedb.org/ilibrarian/10-advantages-to-taking-online-classes/

3. What is the site about? This site is about education options. Student are finding different alternative to getting an education thru online education.

4. What information did you find that is important for your topic? This information is relative important because it focus in the advantages than online school has to offer to student. It's making it possible for the student to have more options in how he/she gets education. Student find it more affordable, flexible and more comfortable to attend online schools. Many may argue that the online school students do not get the same education than the ones that attend traditional schools, but it's all comes to the students. Online students have to do more work to compensate for not attending a physical class. As technology advances, online schools are becoming the best alternative to pursuit a college education.

The journal article:
Author(s) name(s): (Last name, first initial) Unknown
Year of publication: 2010
Title of the article: Ashworth College; online education leader offers advice on making college affordable.
Name of the journal: Investment weekly news
Journal Number and Issue Number:
Article pages: 845

1. What is the article about? That finding a college that we what to attend is not just what is important what it's important is to find the college that meets the family's budget.

2. What information did you find that is important for your topic? That online education has more flexibilities and it's affordable.

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