
What more would you like to learn about your own culture

For your journal entry this week, review the questions below and then select three or more to write about:

How would you describe your cultural and linguistic roots and the influence they have had on your life and your learning?

How much has your identity been shaped by your culture?

In what ways has your culture been taught to you?

How connected do you feel to the place where you live-the climate, landforms, vegetation and animal life?

How do people in your family and community relate to each other? How do they define success? What are their aspirations? Fears?

How are these reflected in their child-rearing processes?

What traditions, rituals, and celebrations are important to you and your family?

How have your culture and your life experiences affected your relationships with and understanding of persons who are culturally different from you?

What more would you like to learn about your own culture and/or the culture of others in order to better understand yourself and ways you can work respectfully and responsively with young children and their families?

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Science: What more would you like to learn about your own culture
Reference No:- TGS01353575

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