
What more specifically do you wish you knew about the

History Assignment

NOTE! These Micro Assignments can only be accepted if you are IN class in person on the day due and for the discussion because they are meant to be participatory (group discussion) assignments.

Your write up, with a link to any additional article, or the pasted article itself, must be posted 1 hour before class on Turnitin AND you must have the articles you have chosen AND your write-up fully available in class, either electronically or on paper for the discussion.


1 to 1 ½ pages double spaced

Choose carefully 2 articles (from a reputable source) about issues of racial and social justicein our times(for example, Black Lives Matter, taking a knee, or monumentsthat should be kept or moved to a museum)and be sure they are the best, most useful, most informative articles you can find):

For each article:

1) Be ready to verbally summarize the article, and defend why you thought it was the best choice.

2) Note & comment briefly on what'snewthat you've discovered.

3) Are there anyanalogies, similarities, comparisons, lessons, ideas, or strategies from or with the US History we have studied?

4) What more specifically do you wish you knew about the subject beyond the articles?

5) Any further points you might want to make.

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History: What more specifically do you wish you knew about the
Reference No:- TGS02506262

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