
What models will you use for testing computer simulations



Reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about animal testing. Do a quick article search on animal testing. Review one article that is pro-animal testing and one article that is anti-animal testing. Discuss two of the pros and two of the cons of animal testing that were discussed in the articles. In researching both sides of the debate, has your perspective shifted any on the animal testing debate?


Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

This week you will be required to complete the Unit VI Case Study. Your job is to propose the testing that is needed for a new drug to be determined as safe and effective for the treatment of cancer in humans. Your case study assignment should be three to four pages in length and utilize at least three reliable references. Use APA style guidelines in writing this assignment, following APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing. Please be sure to review both the assignment in the syllabus and the grading rubric. Good luck!

Recent studies support the potential of a drug that is derived from the metal iridium to effectively treat cancer. This experimental drug, Drug ZL105, has not been tested for efficacy and toxicity. Imagine that you are the one responsible for approving or denying the use of this drug within the United States. Your job is to propose the testing that is needed for this drug to be determined as safe and effective for the treatment of cancer in humans. In your research and discussion, you should address the questions below.

1. What models will you use for testing (i.e., animal, cell cultures, computer simulations)? Explain the choice of model, and provide support for the reliability of the model. Discuss the pros and cons of your choice.

2. In determining the safety and effectiveness of the drug, would it be necessary to test efficacy, toxicity, and lethality? Explain what each of these tests are for and whether or not one or more of the tests are necessary for your determination.

3. Provide your thoughts on what information you hope to gather from your tests and whether or not the same protocol

should be used for various categories of products such as drugs, cosmetics, and herbal medicines.

Your case study assignment should be three to four pages in length and utilize at least three reliable references. Use APA style guidelines in writing this assignment, following APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing.

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HR Management: What models will you use for testing computer simulations
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