
What model did ohno study in the united states for

Based on: The Toyota Production System by Taiichi Ohno

From the text, develop answers to the following questions. Each answer should fully address the question from both the theoretical and practical applications.

Answers will be evaluated based on content, completeness as well as quality of writing.

1) Identify the two pillars of the Toyota Production System and explain why they are important.

2) Explain Ohno's (and Toyoda Kiichiro's) belief with regard to equipment selection and purchase. (Least expensive? Highest technology? Etc?)

3) Explain the process for getting to the root cause of a problem.

4) What model did Ohno study (in the United States) for replenishing materials and how was this incorporated in the Toyota Production System?

5) Explain how the Kanban system works and provide an example.

6) Explain how visual controls can assist the production process and provide an example.

7) Ohno stated that "The greatest waste of all is excess inventory." Explain why lie believed this to be true.

8) Explain why multi-skilled operators are critical to the Toyota Production System.

9) Explain the difference between "labor saving" and "worker saving."

10) Explain what Ohno meant when he said, "Do not make isolated islands."

11) Describe the process of Baka-Yoke and give an example.

12) Describe the concept of production leveling.

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Mechanical Engineering: What model did ohno study in the united states for
Reference No:- TGS01604862

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