
What mode of growth would you adopt to deal with your

You own and operate a small independent clothing manufacturing enterprise with a unique logo and some styling you consider unique and cool.

You operate out of a small facility in a converted garage, and when you get a really large order (to support homecoming at a local institution or some local youth sports league) you have some local resources who allow you to use their facilities.

However, there is something special about your designs - it always seems like folks who pass through the area want to pick up your goods and take them with them so they can wear them back home.

As a result, you have begun to explore some regional distribution ideas and have even begun to think about expanding, but you are just not sure enough that you should take on a large debt burden (school loans are almost but not quite paid off!)

It just so happens that Brad Pitt and Anjolina Jolie have arrived at yet another in an unending string of divorce and child custody proceedings, and while doing so they are completely mobbed by onlookers, gawkers, and paparazzi, with photos from this incredibly important global event getting splashed around the world by our great journalists at TMZ, People magazine, and NBC.

You are stunned and fall on the floor laughing when your buddy posts some of the pix on facebook - clearly showing that both Brad and Anjolina are wearing your shirts, with your logo clearly on display for everyone in the check out line at HyVee to see when they sneak a look at the National Enquirer.

Your smart phone is exploding. Your voice mail box is full. And its not your Mom asking why you havent called more often. As you try to understand what is happening to your little company, you are struck by how many of the messages demanding your products are so hard to understand because the foreign accents are so thick.

Apparently you didnt really exist before but now you have been "discovered" - and there is an enormous number of people out there who think they will look just as attractive and cool as Brad or Anjolina - if only they had your shirt on.

You, friend, have won the equivalent of a business lottery. Just like Mission Impossible, there is a mission, should you choose to accept it. The world is your oyster, if you choose to act, but only if you act smartly and quickly

A) What mode of growth would you adopt to deal with your domestic and export market opportunities

B) How would you address your constraints to growth

C) What are the threats you would need to address and how would you protect yourself

D) What creative product mix changes would you consider.

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Operation Management: What mode of growth would you adopt to deal with your
Reference No:- TGS02683732

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