Discussion Post
Buddhism Case Study
For these discussions, you will be in small groups of 4-5 peers. In each case study ALL the prompts must be discussed. So if you are the first to respond, you have your choice of prompts. Please include the prompt in your reply. If you are not the first, read through what your peers have already posted to see which prompts have already been chosen, and then choose from the remaining ones. For these assignments, you must respond to all your peers so please post early to give everyone a chance to reply before the last minute.
Discuss this case with your group and consider the relationship between Religion and Violence/Peace. Think both broadly (religion as a whole) and specifically (Buddhism). In your reply include the # and the prompt.
A. How does this situation challenge global stereotypes about Buddhism?
B. In what ways can Buddhism be said to be internally diverse in light of the conflict in Myanmar?
C. It is common to hear people say that certain religions are "religions of violence" or "religions of peace." What might you say to someone who made such a claim? How does the situation in Myanmar make simplistic statements like these problematic?
D. How might Buddhist doctrines such as the four noble truths or the no soul doctrine either help promote or restrain this type of violence? Does the Buddhist acknowledgment that life is defined by suffering provide comfort?
E. Why are Westerners surprised to hear about violence in Buddhism (or other religions)? Is there a "straightforward relationship between the beliefs people hold and the likelihood that they will behave in corresponding ways" Arnold and Turner, pg? 4)