
What might explain the increase in the number of children

As we mentioned in the project description, research is at the core of psychology practice whether you conduct it yourself or apply evidence-based strategies and techniques in your professional practice. In Unit 2, you focused your passions and interests in psychology and created a research question to search the literature within your specialized field. In Unit 6, you practiced using critical thinking frameworks to evaluate the quality of research and reviewed strategies for integrating literature to prepare for application in practice. This assignment provides an opportunity to receive feedback to help you further refine your research interests, reflect on the role of scholarship in your career vision, and practice evaluating and synthesizing evidence to apply in your profession.

Complete the following: ?Topics and Research? To begin your journey into the research and literature in your field, reflect on the vision and goals you developed in your first assignment and reflect on your passions and areas of interest in psychology. Once you have an idea of the scope of your interests, audience, environment, and other details about your vision, formulate a research question that will provide you with more knowledge and skills for contributing to the field of psychology. As you create your question, think about the four W's-who, what, why, and where. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate:

• What are the best practices for treating individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds?
• How does technology impact learning in the elementary school classroom?
• What might explain the increase in the number of children diagnosed with developmental disorders, such as autism and Asperger's?
• Is there a relationship between leadership and emotional intelligence?
• What role does birth order play in personality development?

From there, familiarize yourself with scholarly journals and other resources available in the Capella library and locate at least three peer-reviewed articles relevant to your research question. ThePSY5002 Research Guide linked in the Resources provides suggested topics for the specializations and information to help you work through this part of your assignment.?Literature Evaluation and Synthesis?The American Psychological Association (2012) stresses the application of the highest quality research available to support the application of techniques, strategies, and best practices in psychology. It is important to not only evaluate the quality of your research, but also synthesize themes in the literature relevant to your professional practice, and thoughtfully apply the research to reach a desired outcome in practice.

The next step in your assignment is to evaluate the reliability, credibility, value, and relevance of your research and integrate your research articles into a cohesive review of the literature to respond to your initial research question. Key activities for this work include comparing your research articles to identify patterns and different answers to your research question and distilling your ideas down to at least three themes to structure the body paragraphs of your literature review. You then will identify supporting ideas from each of your references that support your three themes. Granello's 2001 article, "Promoting Cognitive Complexity in Graduate Written Work: Using Bloom's Taxonomy as a Pedagogical Tool to Improve Literature Reviews," provides a framework and strategies to help you work through this part of your assignment.?Application and Research Vision?Once you identify your themes and analyze the literature, you are ready to apply the techniques, strategies, best practices, and other findings to your professional practice.

The final step in this assignment is to discuss how you would apply these findings to your future professional practice in psychology. Also, describe how research fits into your future vision and goals for your career. Craft additional goals related to research and revise your vision to integrate research and scholarship in your specialized field of psychology.

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Other Subject: What might explain the increase in the number of children
Reference No:- TGS01161747

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Human behavior is a complex subject to study due to the difference in cultural, social, and psychological backgrounds among humans in different societies. But analyzing human behavior through their attitude and persuasion, how they behave in the presence of others and when alone assists in understanding their behavior. The field of social psychology requires more research to be conducted to add more knowledge to the available market.

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Anonymous user

4/27/2016 6:15:46 AM

In regards to the topic named professional practice in psychology; answer the questions described below: Question 1: Write down the best practices for treating the individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds? Question 2: Explain how does technology impact learning in the elementary school class-room? Question 3: Illustrate what might describe the increase in the number of children diagnosed by developmental disorders, like autism and Asperger's? Question 4: Is there a relationship between the leadership and emotional intelligence? Question 5: Illustrate what role does birth order play in the personality development? Question 6: Illustrate how you would apply such findings to your future professional practice in psychology. As well, illustrate how research fits to your future vision and goals for your career. Craft extra goals associated to research and amend your vision to integrate the research and scholarship in your particular field of psychology.