
What might be the key reasons for globaloney pick as many

1. If you were asked to guess the international component of an activity or flow that could take place either domestically or internationally—without being told anything more about what that flow was--what percentage comes closest to your best guess?





2. Globaloney is:

The tendency to estimate how globalized the world is

The tendency to think that global problems can be solved locally

3. What might be the key reasons for globaloney? Pick as many responses as strike you as important. (select all that apply)


Peer pressure

Too much focus the data

Lack of data

4. What are some of the possible effects of globaloney? Pick as many responses as strike you as appropriate. (select all that apply)

Skews companies’ globalization strategie

Swells the fears of those who worry about globalizatio

Shrinks perceptions of the potential for additional integration

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Operation Management: What might be the key reasons for globaloney pick as many
Reference No:- TGS02891404

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