
What methods do analytic therapists use to help a client

Consider the following questions:

Answers should be at least 100 to 175 words and reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience. Be sure to cite all sources as well.

1. What methods do analytic therapists use to help a client discover unconscious material?

2. Describe your first memory. How might an Adlerian use this memory in working with you?

3. Misty you included a lot of good information in your post. You identified the techniques that an analytic therapist could use when trying to help a client uncover unconscious memories or thoughts. However, sometimes in live therapy some of the techniques identified in your post might be hard to implement and hard to confront in a therapy session. For example, resistance can be a hard one to identify and a hard one to confront. I had a client that did not complete homework assignments and would only talk a little bit in session; for maybe 5 minutes of the session he would talk and then he would remain silent for 45 minutes. After three sessions like that I had to confront the client about his lack of interest in therapy.

Consider the following: what is the best way to confront a client about a problem without being confrontational?

4. According to Bird (2005) Electronic reading, he relates current Adlerian therapy practice on dreams to its theoretical basis. Work on dreams is cooperative, enabling dreamers to understand their lives and the choices open to them. Dream work does not have to be exhaustive to be effective. Some observations from practice are included. The importance of gauging the mood created by the dreamer is emphasized. Work on dreams usually takes place on a one-to-one basis, but it can be carried out in a group setting. Can you give me an example of a client and their situation whereas this may be beneficial? What type of questions would be addressed in this method?

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Other Subject: What methods do analytic therapists use to help a client
Reference No:- TGS02105127

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