
What messages is the web site trying to convey is the web

Embry RIddle Aeronautical University MBAA514.

Pick one of the companies listed in the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for select product and services. Browse the categories and regions menu to select the company's website to get an understanding of what information is presented on the site, how the site is organized, the theme, color scheme, images, and videos and so on. Use this forum to answer the following questions:

What messages is the Web site trying to convey?

What did you think about the company before visiting the Web site, and how does your perception compare to the message conveyed by the Web site?

Does the Web material match what you thought or is it different?

Is the Web site helping the company build brand equity? Why or why not?

Check back in a few days and comment on at least two of your classmates' postings. Post your responses and comments in a timely manner in order to offer your classmates sufficient opportunity to respond.

Review the grading rubric for detailed grading requirements.

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Operation Management: What messages is the web site trying to convey is the web
Reference No:- TGS02928349

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