
What messages are they trying to convey in their poetry are

Write a 250-word (minimum) response to each writing prompt below.

Responses must include quotes from each text used to get full credit. Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.

Put all writing assignments in ONE Microsoft Word document.

Dickinson and Whitman are two important poets from the antebellum period. They are very different, both in terms of form (what their poetry looks like on the page) and content.

Write a comparison, using poems from the assigned reading, that includes at least three terms (ode, sonnet, elegy, occasional poem, lyric, free verse, limerick, imagery, allusion,alliteration, personification, simile, metaphor, stanza, rhyme scheme) , as well as the poets' purpose in writing.

What messages are they trying to convey in their poetry? Are they successful? Of the two poets, which one do you prefer and why?

(From The Norton Anthology American Literature, Shorther Ninth Edition, Beginnings to 1865) If don't have book please ask for pictures of the poems.


Emily DickinsonPoem 122 ("These are the days when Birds come back") (Vol , p.1251)Poem 207 ("I taste a liquor never brewed") (Vol 1, p. 1252)Poem 236 ("Some keep the Sabbath going to Church") (Vol 1, p. 1253)

Walt Whitman

"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" (Vol 1, pp. 1135-1139)

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