
What message is apparent in the brochure make sure to

Test is to be typed and double spaced. (1 page=250 words) Make sure to use appropriate grammar and spelling. Proof read be Ma111..,,re to reference sources including your textbook. Each Question worth 5 points for a total of 20.

Write 1 page essay that discusses the message statement that WOO distributes by analyzing:

a) A brochure from the admissions office about WOU. Are different appeals addressed to first-year Students, transfers, graduate students, non-traditional students? What are the appeals? (Make sure to identify and describe the admission materials you use).

b) What message is apparent in the brochure? (Make sure to identify and describe).

c) Compare the message statements in the admission materials with a public relation news release found on line.

DO you perceive any inconsistencies?

#2. Write news release on a current WOU campus event.

#3. Discuss in detail the similarities and differences between a backnotinder and a position paper. Consider addressing:

a) Backgrounder guidelines: research, writing, background, situation, implications, documentation

b) Position papers: issue, background, position, both sides, public, recommendations

c) Both: format, special uses

#4. Write an essay that compares and contrasts advertising, publicity, and public relations. Consider addressing:
a)Media time and space

b) Publics responsibility

c) Message development

d) Controlled media and uncontrolled media

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Dissertation: What message is apparent in the brochure make sure to
Reference No:- TGS01711591

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