Assignment task: Tim is a 41-year-old partner at a leading financial firm who is struggling with his alcohol use. Tim has tried multiple times to reduce or stop drinking but has yet to succeed. His alcohol use has started to affect his work performance and is straining his relationship with his wife and children.
1. Let's say instead of alcohol, the patient abuses meth. What medications are FDA approved for the treatment of meth use? What medications may be used off label to treat meth addiction.
2. Supporters of recreational use of marijuana state that it is a non-gateway drug. What does that mean, and is it true?
3. What is the recommended treatment for a patient displaying aggression and identified as recently using PCP?
4. A patient has a legal prescription for benzodiazepines, but has been getting the drugs from numerous acquaintances and now is taking 12mg alprazolam daily. How will you titrate the patient off of the benzodiazepines? Include time-frames in your answer.