
What measures were used to assess personality are the

My theory that I chose to discuss, is Freud's theories of the fixation and adult personality traits. Such as, the stage that a baby goes through, and how it effects adults personalities. Some of the stages are oral, anal, phallic, and genital. How children react to these stages and how they are treated affects them and their personality later in life, according to his theory. PLEASE make sure that the article that is being critiqued MUST be from the UMUC library. The website is below, and anybody can access it!


The purpose of this assignment is to critique a research study focusing on one of the theories of personality covered in Weeks 1 through 4.

In your research critique, you will critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of the study as well as examine the validity of the methods, findings and conclusions.

You will locate a peer-reviewed, empirical journal article from the UMUC LIBRARY (www.umuc.edu). You must select an article from a scholarly journal. Articles must meet the following criteria:

• Primary research - Articles should report the results of an original research study (no meta-analyses, summaries, editorials or theoretical articles).

• Refereed - Articles must come from peer-reviewed journals; you may not use articles from blogs, popular press books, magazines, textbooks or non-academic publications.

• Personality focus - Articles must examine one of the theories or measures of personality covered in our course.

Your journal article critique should begin with an APA style reference citation for the article you have selected. Following the article, provide a brief annotation that summarizes the purpose and findings of the research study. The majority of your journal article critique should consist of your critical analysis of the following questions:

Critique: Purpose & Research Focus 1. Is the objective of the experiment appropriate, relevant and important for psychology and/or personality theory?

Critique: Methods

2. Are the experimental methods adequately described? Were the experimental design and methods appropriate for the research question?

3. Was the target sample population appropriate for this study? Does the sample of this study allow for generalizability of results?

4. What measures were used to assess personality? Are the measurements valid and reliable? What other measures would you have liked to see included in the study?

5. Are the procedures relevant, clear and appropriate? Is there enough detail in the procedures to enable replication?

Critique: Results &Conclusions

6. Are the statistical methods appropriate for the data and research design?

7. Are the findings generalizable? To whom? What limitations exist in generalizing the findings?

8. Were there important points, issues or ideas that were left out? Are there issues that you believe deserved greater attention?

9. Are the conclusions of the study appropriate? Has the author overemphasized or under-emphasized any findings?
Conclusion: Overall Value

10. What are the key strengths and weaknesses of this study?

11. How does this research add to our understanding of personality or personality theory?

12. What is your opinion of the value of this study? Support your position.


• Your paper must be written in APA style. You should include a title page, body and reference page (you do not need an abstract). The only reference that you need to use is for the article you are critiquing. Directly under the title of your paper on the first page of the paper body, repeat the article citation.

• Your paper should be organized with the following subheadings:

o Summary Annotation
o Critique: Purpose & Research Focus
o Critique: Methods
o Critique: Results & Conclusions
o Conclusion: Overall Value

• Your body of your paper should be 5-6 pages (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins).

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