
What materials books articles web sites videos guest


Length: 3 pages

I require that the essays are double-spaced, spelling and grammar checked with one-inch margins. Points will be deducted for spelling errors, problems with conventional grammar, over reliance on quotes (at most you should only have one or two quotes per question), incorrect assessments, and a lack of clarity in your answer. In other words, I should be able to understand and read what you write AND the answer should use multiple class resources to support your points/argument. In your essays, be sure to demonstrate the breadth and depth of your understanding of class materials. While you may use any course materials except each other, I do expect that you use a variety of course materials. Try to be as specific as possible and make direct connections to class resources in all three essays. In your essays use examples, research studies, and ideas from your research paper, videos, and textbooks to illustrate your ideas.

1. Design your own juvenile justice class. What materials (books, articles, web sites, videos, guest speakers, etc.) would you use and what are the reasons that you select those particular materials? What would the course be like for the students taking it?

2. What is juvenile delinquency? How is delinquency experienced in American society? What is the single largest challenge creating/perpetuating juvenile delinquency today? How well is the juvenile justice system responding (court process, treatment, intervention, diversion, victimization) to the problem of juvenile delinquency in the United States?

3. Now that you have completed a juvenile justice course, what three characteristics of the juvenile justice system would you change about it if you had the ability to do so? Please keep the answer relevant to contemporary juvenile justice issues and plausible in society today.

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Reference No:- TGS02748046

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