
What material is your house constructed with


1. How often do you eat animal products?
2. How much of the food that you eat is unprocessed, unpackaged or locally grown?
3. Which housing type best describes your home?
4. What material is your house constructed with?
5. How many people live in your household?
6. What is the size of your home?
7. Do you have electricity in your home?
8. How energy efficient is your home?
9. What percentage of your home's electricity comes from renewable sources?
10. Compared to your neighbors, how much trash do you generate?
11. How far do you travel by car or motorcycle each week?
12. What is the average fuel economy of the vehicles you use most often?
13. When you travel by car, how often do you carpool?
14. How far do you travel on public transportation each week?
15. How many hours do you fly each year?

• Your personal earth overshoot day is the day each year that you will have used more resources than the earth can renew in one year. What is yours?

• Seeing this date? What are your immediate thoughts?

• Do you think you use more resources than most people in the USA? Explain your answer.

• Do you think you use more resources than most people in the world? Explain your answer.

• Do you think you use more resources than people who live in less developed nations? Explain your answer.

• What are some steps you can take to bring your resource use down? Explain your answer, are these things that can easily be adapted into your lifestyle? (List 5-10)

• Do you think it is better to have a small amount of people acting 100% sustainably or a large number of people acting 10-20% sustainably? Explain your answer.

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Biology: What material is your house constructed with
Reference No:- TGS03274056

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