Part of building your LinkedIn profile is developing your personal brand statement in your executive summary section. Not only should the summary charming, but should identify the unique value you bring to an employer.
Part I: To understand what truly makes you unique (keep in mind what was said about you during the pair and share) and help you craft a brand statement, conduct SWOT analysis on yourself:
i. What are you good at? First look at your skill set. What marketing skills can you bring to the table? Then look at some soft skills. Can you motivate people? Or perhaps you are mindful of small details? List all the elements that come from within you and will be useful when realizing your vision.
ii. What are your weaknesses? Is there a skill set you lack? Or a soft skill? Being aware of your weak sides is the first step towards not letting them come in your way.
iii. What opportunities do you see around you? Are people with your particular skills sought in the market? Are there any shifts in the economy that may benefit you?
iv. What are the threats in your environment? Is there something that can change for worse? Can your skills can be replaced with some automated tool?
Part II: Based on your SWOT analysis, try to understand what you really want to do when you graduate from this program. Think of your audience - your target market of employers or clients if you are looking to consult. Then craft a vision and goal setting statement that you can use for your LinkedIn profile.
i. Vision: think of a business problem brands may have from a marketing perspective. As an example, I would like for brands to better understand their customers.
ii. Goal: now think how you can solve this problem as a marketer. Many are at the beginning of your career path as marketers. That's OK, just think what you need to learn and what you will be specialized in. This is your goal. As an example to follow the vision statement: I want to help companies market their brands to the right customers through data-driven insights. (Skah, 2017)