
What manufacturing framework does the company employ

Assignment: Sustainability Analysis Project Memo

Part:1 Create a Two pages and two responses.

Work in the your group area to complete Memo One:

Do research into the company your team chose and identify the company's environmental and sustainability positions. Answer the following questions:

• Where in their business are they integrating sustainability?

• Where else do you think they could do so?

• Considering Luenenberg& Goleman's business assessment, what "phase" is the company in ?

Be sure to substantiate your assessment of their positions.

Part:2 Create a Two pages and two responses)

Research and address the following questions.

• If relevant, what design or manufacturing framework(s) does the company employ? If they do no currently use one, is there one that is appropriate? Why is it appropriate?

• What environmental or sustainability reporting does your company do? What other reporting programs could they be using? Be sure to identify the programs required by law and the optional programs. Evaluate their achievement of the required reporting standards.

• What metrics do they use to track their progress? What other metrics could they use?

• What certifications has the company achieved or are they working towards? What alternative or additional certifications are appropriate? Why are they appropriate?

• What are they not addressing? What other tools might they use?

Integrate these answers with your research in Modules Four and Five to provide a clear picture of what the company does and what they could be doing. Substantiate your assessments of the company.and comment on at least two projects from other teams

For additional details, please refer to the Sustainability Analysis Team Project document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.

Part:3 Create a Two pages and two responses.

Write the final memo regarding marketing. Consider the following questions:

• How is, or is not, the company marketing its sustainability or environmental initiatives?

• Do they have data they could be marketing? Should they use this data? Why or why not.

• How could they do more; should they do more?

• What opportunities are they missing? What initiatives could they market which they are not?

• What potential liabilities are they exposing themselves too?

Support your position with specific references and examples.

Executive Summary: Evaluation with Recommendations

Submit a written Executive Summary to your instructor. The Executive Summary should offer an analysis of the company's environmental liabilities, sustainability strengths and potential sustainability opportunities. Make 3 recommendations for how they could abate the worst of the liabilities and better leverage their strengths or perhaps unrecognized opportunities. This executive summary should be no longer than three pages.

Final Presentation

Your final presentations should synthesize your earlier assignments with the discussion feedback you received from colleagues as well as your continued research. Offer an analysis of the company's environmental liabilities, sustainability strengths and potential sustainability opportunities. The slide presentation must be at least five slides (not including the title slide), but not more than 12 slides.

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Other Subject: What manufacturing framework does the company employ
Reference No:- TGS01999767

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