
What makes woza albert a protest play

Assignment Task: Persepolis film

1. How is the film (or graphic novel) Persepolis a work that involves Feminism-the belief, politics, or theory that women deserve and are entitled to the same rights and privileges as men? How or why does making the film animated, rather than real life, fit with or strengthen the ideas that Marjane Satrapi tries to get across to her audience?

2. What makes Woza Albert! a protest play? Why is the idea of Morena (Christ) coming to South Africa a source of trouble or outrage, especially to the government and authorities there? Are there any lines in the play you could quote that support what you have to say about this?

3. The Soul of a Woman is, like Persepolis, a feminist work, but how is it different? For one thing, it is memoir, the story of an individual's real life and how it was lived. Or is Isabel Allende as much a feminist as Marjane Satrapi-what makes you say so? Can you cite specific statements or stories from Allende's writing that demonstrate this?

4. How are all three of these works alike, in what way(s) do they match up? The play concerns apartheid in South Africa and the memoir reflects on and discusses the turbulent times in one person's life. What possible connection could they have, or what relevance does any one of them have to us in the 21st century today?

5. Which of these works is the most significant, either in its time or today? Why do you say that, what reasons are there for believing this and how can you support this argument? OR, to say it another way, which of the works here is the one you see as being read and discussed-by people in general or in classes like this-in the future? Be clear and specific.

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