What makes the rule that you listed above as the best rule

Assignment: Data Mining and Data Analytics (3 PAGES)

Read/review the following before working on this homework:

(1) Chapter 5 in the Matthew North RapidMiner book (PDF).

Text Book: "Data Mining for the Masses" by Matthew North, Chapters 5:

The above source describes Association rules mining (also known as market basket analysis), a popular technique for discovering associations among data items in a given dataset. In business and marketing, this technique is often used for discovering cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. It is also used for discovering useful associations among variables in many other fields such as bioinformatics, text and Web mining, and medical diagnostics. You've most likely seen this technique in practice when, for example, you are considering buying an item on an online store such as Amazon.com and see recommendations for related items, or statements such as "customers who purchased this item also purchased these related items".

Specifically, for this homework please do the following:

1. Use RapidMiner software to do the association rules mining exercise described in Chapter 5 of the Matthew North book, "Data Mining for the Masses" (PDF).

2. Create a Microsoft Word document and save it as your own name.

3. Do all the hands-on work in Chapter 5 of the North book (PDF). In step 13 of the PDF, set minimum confidence to 30% and run the analysis. Create a screenshot of your RapidMiner output (similar to Figure 5-11 in the PDF but with 30% confidence instead of 50%). Paste the screenshot in the Word document from Step 2.

4. Interpret your findings: below the screenshot from Step 3, please answer the following three questions.

(A) Which of the rules generated by the analysis in Step 3 above is the best or the strongest among all of these rules? List this rule using the notation such as X = Y [Expected length of your answer: one line.]

(B) What makes the rule that you listed above as the best or the strongest rule? In other words, what criteria did you consider in determining the best rule? [Expected length of your answer: 1-3 sentences.]

(C) The city manager has the resources to contact only one community-based organization or group and request them to work together on community projects with members of a religious organization/group. Based on the association rules mining analysis you conducted in Step 3, what organization should he contact? (In other words, members of which organization are most likely to be also the members of a religious organization?) [Expected answer: name of the organization.]

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Database Management System: What makes the rule that you listed above as the best rule
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