
What makes the game fun

Problem: Say that Alicia and Badal are siblings home for the holidays and they are presented with a chocolate bar which has five sections, like this: 12345. They decide to make a game out of eating it. They take turns eating one (and only one) section at a time, and in each turn, each sibling can eat the left-most section or the right-most section. Alicia goes first, and can choose either to eat section 1 or section 5. Say Alicia chooses to eat section 5, and so the chocolate bar now looks like 1234. Then Badal eats section 1, and so the chocolate bar looks like 234. Then Alicia eats section 4, and the chocolate bar looks like 23, and so forth. What makes the game fun is that section 4 is "special" because it is the only section with peanuts in it, which both Alicia and Badal like. Whoever eats the "special" section wins the game, and the game immediately ends.

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