
What makes person an effective communicator

Problem 1. How do leaders use communication to influence and persuade others? Think of someone you have known who is skilled in the art of persuasion. What makes this person an effective communicator?

Problem 2. Does the Johari Window seem like a good framework for leaders who want to create better communications among team members? Can you think of potential problems a leader might encounter when applying the Johari Window?

Problem 3. In the 1960s, Britain and France decided to jointly fund and build a supersonic transport that became known as the Concorde. Research the decision to build and fly the supersonic transport Concorde. Then, discuss how the sunk costs and an escalation of commitment affected their decisions.

Problem 4. Throughout its existence, Saturn has never turned a profit for General Motors. Research the history of Saturn and GM's decision to continue funding it (although GM has now decided to close down the auto maker). Why hadn't Saturn made a profit? Was escalation of commitment in play in GM's decision? If so, how?

Problem 5. During the Cold War and post-Cold War eras, the United States and the Soviet Union have been competing with one another in attempts to gain a strategic advantage over one another. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was born out of that competition. Discuss the SDI and how the United States and the Soviet Union applied the competitive escalation paradigm.

Problem 6. Discuss how perceptual bias affected President George W. Bush's decisions that lead the United States into war in Iraq in 2003. Did judgemental bias play a part in these decisions?

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Other Management: What makes person an effective communicator
Reference No:- TGS01764238

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