
What makes one field more appealing than another - why did

Aligning Your Philosophy With Your Profession

In preparation for this week's Discussion, consider the following questions, which are all pertinent to deciding what you want your career to be:

What makes one field more appealing than another?
Why did you choose the Bachelor of Science in Child Development?
What appeals to you about this field?
What role would you like to play in fostering children's healthy development and learning?

Then, consider the ways you have grown and what you have learned throughout this program. Reflect on what you believe with regard to the importance of giving children healthy starts in life, the role of the family in this process, the impact and importance of cultural responsiveness, healthy brain development, strong mental health and socio-emotional development, and developmentally appropriate practice. Bring to mind all of the influences on children's healthy development-significant adults, parents and other family members, quality educational programs, supportive community and public policies, and quality health care and nutrition.

Next, choose a job in the field that appeals to you. (Review the Web sites listed in the Resources to help you decide or focus on one profession that was featured in the video segments or informational interviews you conducted.)

Required Resources

Media: Review the "Looking to the Future: Your Career in Child Development" video segments.Use the following resources to broaden your awareness of the range of jobs in the early childhood field and to decide on which job you are going to focus. (Note: These sources/Web sites are highly recommended, but you may also find other resources on your own).

Document: Early Childhood Practitioner's Professional Pathway in Oklahoma

From: Morrison, G. S. (2007). Early childhood education today (10th ed., p. 9). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Reprinted by permission from Center of Early Childhood Professional Development, College of Continuing Educ., Univ. of Oklahoma

Web Site: Vocational Information Center: Early Childcare and Education Career Guide


Scan the titles listed under Child Care and Education Career Descriptions. Click the links to review at least five positions of interest to you. Note that the Web site below may be accessed from this site by clicking "Careers with Children" (eighth line in the first column).

Web Site: Personnel Improvement Center: Career Development


Web Site: NAEYC: Job Seekers


Web Site: Child Care Exchange: Employment Opportunities


Note: Though this Web site is based in Illinois, there are many jobs listed here that pertain to all states.

Web Site: Gateways to Opportunities

Search Google to find out whether your state has a professional development plan. Type "career lattice early childhood education" or "career ladder early childhood education" AND the name of your state.

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