
What makes iceland a desirable country to trade with how is

Assignment -

Assignment should be approximately 3 double-spaced pages.

When writing you should address one or more of the following topics:

a. What makes Iceland a desirable country to trade with? How is trade facilitated in Iceland? What dangers lie in relying export for economic growth? What do American businesses need to think about when doing business in and/or trading with Iceland?

b. Pick one of the main social challenges facing Iceland. How is the government or business attempting to manage these challenges? How do the social challenges affect growth in Iceland or opportunities for foreign direct investment or international partnerships?

c. Pick an industry in Iceland (e.g., healthcare, technology, agriculture, energy) and discuss the history of that industry. What challenges does Iceland face in growing that industry?

d. How does the political and cultural history of Iceland shape the current business climate?

e. Assess Iceland's current state of economic development and its impact on the demand for goods and services.

f. How does Iceland's physical infrastructure (transportation and energy) impact the domestic economy and international trade?

g. How does the legal environment (e.g., laws for starting a business and enforcement of contracts) impact business in Iceland, in particular, multinational corporations?

h. What roles do social and cultural norms play on the conduct of business in Iceland?

i. What is the role of relationships in building businesses in Iceland? How are relationships built? What does it take to "get things done?" How do individuals in Iceland respond to certain ideas, and more specifically, ideas and people that come from the U.S?

j. How did the recent economic crisis affect the policies and practices of Iceland's business?

k. Other? If you have another idea, send it to me.

You are required to use and cite at least four peer-reviewed sources as you write this paper. These could be books, magazines, journals, or newspaper articles from reputable sources (i.e., not Wikipedia or professional bloggers). If you come across a term or terms (tariff rates / arbitrage opportunities / devaluing currency / pegged currency / etc.) which might be confusing to general readers, look it up, define it in the paper, and demonstrate a competent level of knowledge in that area.

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Dissertation: What makes iceland a desirable country to trade with how is
Reference No:- TGS02771624

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