
What makes great advertising

What makes great advertising? All of us have seen both good ads and bad ads. Ads may resonate for different reasons. Sometimes it is the headline, sometimes it is the visual. Most ads that fail to resonate with the audience lack the big idea or the are not clear in their execution.

  1. In your post discuss what you believe it means for advertising to resonate. Post any examples of ads that resonate with you.
  2. Post why you believe the creative strategy is so important?

In advertising, what is shown is just as important as what is said-sometimes even more. The nonverbal aspect of an ad or commercial carries at least half the burden of communication.

  • Discuss what order prospects typically view the elements of a print ad from.
  • Why are there different guidelines for writing for the Web than for traditional print advertising?

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Reference No:- TGS0530431

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