Discuss the following in a 2 paragraphs:
Choose an example of training. You can select either the video in the lecture What Makes Good Training? or another training video on the web. Try to select a video that is less than 5 minutes long; however, but if the video you want to use for this discussion is longer than that, identify the 4-minute segment you want to evaluate.
Q1: Explain if the training is effective or not effective. Be sure to give details to support your argument. If you selected a video on the web, provide the link so your classmates can watch it. If the video is longer than 4 minutes, identify the segment they should view.
Q2: Choose a classmate's argument that you disagree with, and provide details to support your opinion of that training. If you cannot find an argument you disagree with, then select a classmate's video and point out other elements that make that training effective or ineffective.
Noe, R. (01/2016). Employee Training & Development, 7th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://ambassadored.vitalsource.com/#/books/1260058468/