
What makes an activity play versus work what is play for


The following materials are Required Studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week, and save these materials for future use.

Play at the Center of the Curriculum (Van Hoorn, Nourot, Scales, & Alward, 2015)

Chapter 14: Conclusion: Integrating Play, Development, and Practice


The Serious Need for Play (Wenner, 2009) [PDF]

Making the Case for Play Policy (Stegelin, 2005) [PDF]

The Case for Play (Bartlet, 2011) [Web page]


Prescription for Play (Ginsberg & Benoit, 2011) [Video]

1) Choose a play-related topic to research and share with the class in a presentation and personal reflection. Topics may include, but are not limited to the following:

Play and Brain Development (Topic to research)

Design a presentation (any form, slide show, Prezi, video, visuals that you can photograph, etc.). Your presentation must include:

An overview of the play topic

Key pieces of information that will provide the viewer with a well-rounded view of the topic (bullet form is acceptable)

Suggestions for professionals working with children

A list of at least 5 resources that will be helpful to your classmates (websites, local sources, children's books, etc.)

Write 2-3-substantial paragraphs responding to the following:

Why did you choose this play topic?

What three factors intrigued you the most? Why?

What do you still question?

If you were to research this topic further, what would you address?

Post your completed research project (the presentation and reflection) to the discussion board so that your peers may review and respond to your work.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

2) What is work for one person may be play for someone else.

What is play for one person may feel like work to another.

Work can turn into play.

Play can turn into work.

Based on this week's Required Studies and your experiences with the statements above, respond to the following questions (include real-life examples):

What makes an activity play versus work?

In your opinion, do children learn more effectively through work or play?

How can you help children feel like their work is play?

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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Dissertation: What makes an activity play versus work what is play for
Reference No:- TGS01679033

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