What made you select the particular aspect

Discussion Post: Sex & the Bible

Read the attached case study first then address the following questions in your response (300 words minimum):

• Discuss one aspect of your client's culture that you think has had an impact on your case. What made you select this particular aspect? How is this a strength for the client?

• What client(s) is poverty a presenting concern for? What makes you think this?

• In what ways would a social worker be able to advocate for your client's civil rights/social justice? How would that help your client?

• What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week's module material?

• What similarities and difference do you see between yourself and the case study client? Why might it be important to be aware of our similarities and differences in social work? How does your own life experience shape your opinion about this case?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

Attachment:- Margaret-and-Jenna-CaseStudy.rar

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Other Subject: What made you select the particular aspect
Reference No:- TGS03172829

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