
What logical ways you want to segment your customers


Customer-focused strategic planning requires that organizations shift focus from products to the requirements of specific target market segments, from customer transactions to customer relationships, and from competition to collaboration." The text contains the above summarization of customer-focused strategic planning (which has become more widely adopted by companies over the past few years, especially with Covid). What does the above mean to you? How does data enable it? Read it carefully. There are 3 distinct pivots: Products to requirements of specific target market segments. Customer transaction-to-customer relationships. Competition to collaboration. Don't respond with "it means customer-focused strategic planning is a shift from products to the requirements of specific target market segments." Yes. We've already established that :) What I'm asking is: what does all of this mean? Do you know what a target market segment is? You will if you read the text. How does data play into this? Example: You can't segment your customers if you don't have data about them. What are some logical ways you would potentially want to segment your customers?

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Other Management: What logical ways you want to segment your customers
Reference No:- TGS03297338

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