
What limitations would the amendment have


A. What did Special Field Order 15 do (temporarily)?

B. After the Civil War, what would redraw the religious map of the South? What were three of the first black colleges in the nation?

C. What was the Freedman's Bureau supposed to do? In the summer of 1865, what did President Andrew Johnson order done?

D. What did most rural freed slaves (and poor whites) have no alternative but to do?

E. But what did the sharecropping system allow each black family to do?

F. What conviction did the Radical Republicans (like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner) in Congress share?

G. What did the 14th Amendment do?

H. What did the 15th Amendment (ratified in 1870) do?

I. What limitations would this Amendment have?

J. What was the most basic reason for opposition to Reconstruction (led by the terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan or KKK)?

K. What did President Grant do in 1871? How many African-Americans served in public office during Reconstruction? How many served in the U.S. House of Representatives? How many served in the Senate (which would not happen again until 1967)?

L. Why were the victorious Southern Democrats called the Redeemers? After President Grant said that the northern public was "tired out" by southern problems, what did Southern Democrats do on election day (in broad daylight - no need for KKK tactics)?

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History: What limitations would the amendment have
Reference No:- TGS03295871

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