A CAMPUS INTERVIEW: Bloom's Taxonomy and Critical Thinking
Kym is a partner at one of the public accounting firms in the Boston area. She has come to conduct interviews at your college and is hoping to extend an offer for a full-time staff position for the upcoming fall. Kym's last interview is with Ryan, a senior accounting major with a psychology minor. So far, Kym has been impressed with Ryan's eye contact and his responses to her routine questions. So, Kym asks Ryan to define critical thinking and its purpose of it from an accounting perspective. She then asks Ryan to give his opinion on the importance of critical thinking in decision-making. Kym then asks Ryan: "Assume that you are giving advice to a small business owner of a fishing and tackle shop on Cape Cod who hears that Walmart will be opening a store about 10 miles away. What recommendations would you give to the business owner in order to stay competitive?" Kym is interested in observing Ryan's business knowledge, but more importantly, she is interested in how he will take the issue and structure his response.
1. How would you answer Kym's questions?
2. Think about Bloom's Taxonomy. Based upon your answers to Kym's questions, what level would you rank yourself? What level(s) would you say is required to provide the best answers?
3. How do Kym's questions relate to critical thinking? How can this mode of thinking be important in public or private accounting?