
What level of measurement will you use


A. Could you help narrowly define the independent variable from the phrase below. This is the conceptualization step. ( And make sure the definition is very, very specific) "Instagram has a negative influence when it comes to the development of children's and teens' social skills".

B. Next come up with a way of measuring the independent variable. This is the operationalization step. -How will you measure this variable? -What level of measurement will you use? -How will this information be collected?

C. Now can you help define the dependent variable. This is the conceptualization step. The definition needs to be very, very specific.

D. Next come up with a way of measuring your dependent variable. This is the operationalization step. -How will you measure this variable? -What level of measurement will you use? -How will this information be collected?

E. Looking back at your conceptualization and operationalization of your independent and dependent variables, discuss the reliability and validity of your variables. Do you think you can accurately and repeatedly measure your variables (reliability)? Does your measurement (operationalization) match the concept or definition (conceptualization) that you came up with? You will need to answer these questions using full sentences for both your independent and dependent variables.

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Business Management: What level of measurement will you use
Reference No:- TGS03252853

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