
What lessons can we can take from the confucianjapanese

Answer the following Questions :

1. What are some specific things described by Reid that demonstrate Confucianism and/or the Confucian ethos or values during their residency in Japan and how do they relate to things we have learned in class about Confucianism?

2. How is Confucianism and/or the Confucian ethos expressed in contemporary Japanese culture? From the book, provide some evidence/examples of the 5 Confucian Virtues (jen, yi, li, chih and hsin); the 5 Confucian Key Relationships and corresponding 10 Appropriate Attitudes; the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean; Rectification; etc.

3. What lessons can we can take from the Confucian/Japanese experience that might help our culture improve and/or that might improve ourselves?

4. What anecdotes from the book struck you in either positive or negative ways? Why?

Offer a discussion of education, crime, cultural rites of passage, or interpersonal relationships that you can relate to your major or field of work.

Your book review should be 3-4 pages in length, Only source you can use is" Confucius Lives Next Door " by T.R. Rein.

Book Review-Must be in APA format

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History: What lessons can we can take from the confucianjapanese
Reference No:- TGS02909029

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