
What lessons can be learned from the sepoy mutiny


Sepoys were Indian soldiers hired to serve in the British East India Company's armies. Yes, it is quite strange to think of a Company having its own army and it is even stranger to consider a Company ruling a nation. However, the British East India Company did govern the subcontinent. In any event, the Sepoys rebelled in 1857. The primary cause of the rebellion was religious. In 1857, the Sepoys were issued new ammunition for their rifles. The new cartridges had to be greased with a mixture of beef and pork fat. Of course, Hindus are prohibited from touching beef products. The cow is a sacred animal in Hinduism and Hindus cannot kill cows, eat beef, or touch beef products. As the dominant religion in India, many Sepoys were Hindus. Islam is also a popular religion, particularly in northern India. Muslims considered the pig an unclean animal. Muslims are prohibited from eating pork products. Many Sepoys were also Muslims. In response to this direct disregard for their religious beliefs, the Sepoys rebelled. They killed British officers and headed to Delhi to establish a new government. Regular army forces from Britain arrived in 1858 and cruelly put down the revolt. By 1859, the Sepoy Mutiny had ended. However, after the failure of the Company to prevent and crush the rebellion, the British government took over administration of the subcontinent. The British East India Company no longer ruled India. India became a British colony ruled by the government in Great Britain.


a) Who were the Sepoys?

b) Why did the Sepoys rebel in 1857?

c) What was the outcome of the Sepoy Mutiny?

d) What lessons can be learned from the Sepoy Mutiny?

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History: What lessons can be learned from the sepoy mutiny
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