Q1. What legal issues did Napster have? Did Napster violate any laws? Which ones?
Q2. What other industries are affected by Napster?
Q3. Could it also affect the academic E-books?
Q4. What laws would be broken by piracy of E-books?
Q5. How important is it to observe laws when starting a company?
Required Articles:
Gomes, L. (2001). Record industry files court papers saying Napster isn't effectively blocking music Wall Street Journal, March 28, pages B. 5- B.6, retrieved from Proquest database November 20,. 2009
Van Hoorebek, M. (2003). Napster clones turn their attention to academic E-books! New Library World, 2003, Volume 104, Issue 4/5, pages 142-129, retrieved from Proquest database November 20, 2009.