
What leadership traits did mandela display



• Students must individually answer the questions presented in the case study in a maximum of three-page double-spaced pages that will be turned in via Moodle (using turnitin.com).

• You can choose to treat it as an essay, where you would have an intro, body, and conclusion, or you could just answer the questions using full sentences.

• Please use 12-point font and standard one-inch margins.

• Students will be graded on: a) grammar (40%) and b) content, including integration of key course concepts, use of relevant examples, and thoroughness of responses (60%). You are expected to apply course content to answer the case questions and use applicable examples from the movie to substantiate your response.

• If you use outside sources (not a requirement), you need to cite them properly using a referencing style such as APA or MLA.

• The case study must be completed individually. Please make sure that the work you turn in is your own. Turnitin will check the similarity of your submission to all internet content, papers completed at other universities, and your classmates' papers.

• The case will be due in three weeks. No late assignments will be accepted.

Video Case-"Invictus"

First, before attempting to answer the questions below, make sure you have completed the assigned readings from Chapter 14 and that you have your notes from the class lecture on Leadership. You should then watch the movie in Moodle, "Invictus."

Answer all of the following questions:

1. Based on trait leadership theory, what leadership traits did Mandela display? Provide specific examples from the movie to support your arguments.

2. What contemporary leadership theories can be applied to Mandela's leadership approach? Pick two contemporary theories and discuss how their key concepts are related to Mandela's leadership style. Provide at least three examples from the movie to support each of your arguments (three examples for each contemporary theory discussed).


A hard copy of this essay is due in class on the date indicated in your syllabus.

Please put your full name, your section number, and “Essay #2” on the first page of your exam. Your answer should be approximately 3-4 pages in length. Your exam should be computer-printed in 14-point font, with no more than one-inch margins all around, double-spaced.

Write your answer as a teacher explaining these ideas to an imaginary class of students who have not heard this material before. You may study with other students while preparing this essay. Please be sure, however, that the answer you turn in is substantially your own, and not simply copies or paraphrases of someone else’s words. If you do work with anyone else, you must list their names on your essay.

Essay 2  Explain the definition of an externality given in class. Explain the specific type of externality that we have called “The Tragedy of the Commons.” (HINT: remember that, as we have discussed it, this type of externality is a problem in what economists call the theory of rational choice.) Explain the specific type of externality that we have called “Unpriced Natural Capital”. (HINT: be sure to ask yourself, what makes the situation as described in your reading an externality?)

Select one of these two types of externalities, and explain how a laissez-faire philosophy could best try to solve it. Do you think this solution will be successful in resolving the externality? Explain.


1.    Definition of externality: a cost created by a company’s operation that, in a free market, does not appear on the company’s books.

polluted water caused by coal mining is one example

2.    Several particularly difficult types of externalities

A.     “Tragedy of the Commons”: individual pursuit of self-interest is collectively self-defeating; but the cost of individual pursuit of self-interest is not borne to any great extent by any individual company (e.g. overfishing in the North Sea)

moral of the story may be that forced agreement and forced follow-through are required to solve the problem (compare Joseph Stiglitz’s comment about the pervasiveness of externalities and how it creates problems for free markets in Wikipedia article on him)

B.    Unpriced Natural Capital: natural resources that are consumed by corporations that do not pay for their use (see David Roberts, “None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use,” https://grist.org/business-technology/none-of-the-worlds-top-industries-would-be-profitable-if-they-paid-for-the-natural-capital-they-use/ )

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