
What leadership challenges have you faced in your work

Discussion, consider the stories told by the faculty and staff in the audio program. Each of these individuals represents a different perspective on issues at their institution. Imagine yourself as a program, department, or division leader at an institution like this. Your concerns are meeting the needs of all students, faculty, and staff in your area, implementing new initiatives or approaches that are likely to improve your area's effectiveness, and working within budgetary and bureaucratic constraints-priorities that often conflict. You face challenges like those raised by leaders at different institutional levels, as described in your reading in Turnaround Leadership. Use the following questions to guide your Discussion:

How could an administrator or other leader working with faculty and staff like those in the audio program do a better job of addressing their differing perspectives?

What leadership challenges have you faced in your work environment? Are these similar to or different from those highlighted in the readings and audio program? What leadership skills appear to be necessary in higher education institutions?

How do you see people in these roles employing leadership strategies to effect change in the institution?

Are there common leadership strategies or qualities you can identify in the readings, in the audio program, and in the position announcements you found for the Application Assignment?

Do people in different roles or at different levels within the institution use different leadership strategies? How?

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Dissertation: What leadership challenges have you faced in your work
Reference No:- TGS01272869

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