"Terrorism and Practical Reflection"
Recall what you learned this week and respond to the following items in your post:
- What laws have been enacted in the United States to protect the government from the clear and present (or probable) danger of disruption or overthrow?
- In the past twenty years, there have been many terrorist acts in the United States, both foreign and domestic. As a future leader in our criminal justice system, what steps would you take to prevent this cycle of violence? Explain your reasoning.
- On September 11, 2001, the United States became the victim of a coordinated terrorist attack. Although 9/11 is the most notorious terrorist event against America, it certainly is not the only attack. Do some research to identify another terrorist event against the United States (other than 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing) and provide the details and a short paragraph of facts surrounding it for the class. Then, explain the "ideology of terrorism and terrorists" pursuant to your event.