
What knowledge was confirmed by the interview


Read the interview questions and answers below regarding a new small business created by an entrepreneur and evaluate what you read. Summarize, in written form (at least 3 pages long), your most important observations and insights that you gathered from the interview below. Make sure to include answers to ALL of the following in your write up:

1. Discuss whether you feel the interviewee/Samantha was a lifestyle or a high-potential entrepreneur and why (Samantha is a lifestyle entrepreneur). Definition of a lifestyle entrepreneur: An individual that creates a business with the purpose of altering their personal lifestyle and not for the sole purpose of making profits. A lifestyle entrepreneur focuses more on the life rewards provided to people that enjoy and have a passion for what they are doing. There is a possibility that the business will do particularity well since the individual has a passion for what he/she is doing.

2. Who do you think can become an entrepreneur (what type person, characteristics should an entrepreneur have? Did the interviewee/Samantha demonstrate them? Do you think the interviewee/Samantha epitomizes an entrepreneur?)

3. What surprised you the most from the interview.

4. What knowledge was confirmed by the interview.

5. What new insights developed.

6. What are the implications for you personally as a result of this interview, your goals, and your aspirations?

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Other Management: What knowledge was confirmed by the interview
Reference No:- TGS01770274

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