
What knowledge skills and abilities is the manager

The EarthLink Company is a communications, network and it services that is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The company serves over one hundred and fifty businesses worldwide and most consumers of the United States. EarthLink operates under two distinct divisions called the Earth Link consumer services and EarthLink Business services. The EarthLink business services offers connectivity services such as the Ethernet, DS3,DSL,T-1, wireless and MPLS. They also offer wholesale services in terms of network services and fiber capacity. This company offers and supply most population of the United States of America. There is a earth link business in Rochester, NY and there are tech support in Online and the phone call so I did speak to the hired manager. His name is Tom and he in tech Speical manager. It tends to make sure tech support do their job. If people complain about tech support , he is one who handle all of those..

What knowledge, skills, and abilities is the manager looking in a leader?

According the culture of EarthLink, a leader should be able to meet the organizational goals. New leaders of the EarthLink Company must be able to delegate the duties to the employees hence being able to meet the company's objectives. The leaders should be able to set example to the fellow employees through their commitment to work. Due to the upcoming and advanced technology in everyday lives, a new leader must be able to cope up with the pace of doing research and innovations of new technologies. The main challenge that this company faces is the stiff competition that other companies give them. Therefore, the new leaders of must be people who continuously do research to ensure that the company stays on top in the services that they offer. Following this, the new leader must be able to be open to the rest of the employees in case they find any useful information that might lead to the development of unique services. The decisions and the research that the leaders carry out must also be trusted by the employees or the team set aside and the public in general . A leader should be able to instill confidence among his employees; this ensures that the employees are able to carry out their duties without any hesitation. To be able to get a job as a leader in the EarthLink company, a person must be very confident in the decisions they make. The leader must ensure that they make well informed decisions that will make the organization more focused on its goals. As a manager of EarthLink Company, there are set standards that the leaders must possess in order to qualify to be a leader. Through a series of tests, our interview panel will be able to choose the right person for the leadership position. Additionally, solely a leader must be a person who should be able to make right decision that should affect the performance of the company positively. When a leader makes a wrong decision, the team under him is likely to follow the orders given by the leader and will result to the failure of the company .

Describe the type of person you would most likely place in a leadership role.

In the EarthLink Company apart from being more innovative they must have motivational skills. This means that a leader must be able to encourage employees to keep going. A leader who is able to meet all the requirements of his employees ensures that they have a good working environment, are well remunerated and also be able to observe work ethics as well as ensure a healthy working environment. EarthLink Company is of more interests to the young people who really like innovation therefore, the leader must be a person who is more approachable than ever. Another skill that the EarthLink company leaders should portray is the ability to delegate responsibilities in their departments. Due to the fact that the leaders delegate the duties and responsibilities in the organization has played a key role in team building. The employees are able to work as a team and be able to assist each other in the generation of income for the company. The earth link company has several departments and they have managed to work as a team since one department depends on the completion of another department's responsibility. If the production sector is able to manufacture the beverages on time the marketers will be able to carry out their duty as well as the supplies and logistics . The new leader in the earthlink company must have the ability to communicate their responsibilities to the employees using the right terms. If a leader is able to come up with an idea but fails to communicate well to the employees then it will not be well implemented. The manager needs to be able to pass the ideas to the employees exactly as it should be implemented so as to gain the expected results. In the earthlink employees should be able to understand what the leaders intend for them to do . The leaders should also learn to accept criticism, this is so to say that they need to listen to the opinions that their employees have. Leaders do make mistakes and should be able to accept what their employees have.

What are the benefits of having an education when entering this field?

They want someone who had BS degree. The education background of a leader is very important since it helps a person to make right decision in the department that they are leading. For example, the earthlink company employs people who have right educational background that will enable them to be on the fore front when solving any problems using the right steps in order to obtain the right results. Educational background is additionally very important since it helps the leaders to tough solve problems in a skillful manner. Employing a person to a leadership position calls for the person to be aware of the market population, the branches, and the participation in the industry as well as ensure that they are aware of the growth of the company and be able to foretell the future prospects of the company.

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