What kinds of things could the firm do

Assignment 1: Ducati versus Harley-Davidson Case Study

Read the Ducati versus Harley-Davidson Case Study in the Jelassi et all text (pg. 389).

In a 1300 word essay, respond to the following questions:

I. Compare and contrast Ducati's e-commerce strategies with those of Harley-Davidson. Where did the companies use similar strategies and where were the strategies different? What were the differences in the typical customers of Ducati versus Harley-Davidson and how did these differences impact the major decisions in their respective e-commerce strategies?

II. How did these companies attempt to align their internal processes with their e-commerce strategies?

III. This case was written in 2003. What kinds of e-commerce strategies do believe might be appropriate in the present day in light of the evolution of e-commerce platforms?

Business Case Analysis

This assignment focuses upon channel conflict as described in your readings. Select a business or industry that has experienced the phenomena of channel conflict as a result of new e-commerce initiatives. Do some web research to learn about common strategies and other suggestions for managing such conflict. (Examples often involve a conflict between existing bricks and mortar retailers and their associated e-commerce divisions). Pick an example and analyze the channel conflict from the perspective of the various analytical tools described in Chapter 9. Using the channel conflict matrix in Exhibit 9.6, where do you see the firm in question in relation to the channel conflict matrix. Do you believe that they perceived their channel conflict in the same way that you are proposing in your response? Are new ethical or social responsibilities issues at play? Critique their response to this channel conflict; do you think they developed an optimal solution? If not, what recommendations would you offer for a better solution to this channel conflict? (750 word essay)

Assignment 2:

Case Study - 1,025 words.

Select an organization that you believe to be particularly good at interacting with its customers and leveraging the power of social media. (See Facebook Ted Video above for an example). You could make this selection based upon your own experiences or do some web research to identify an exemplar. (If you have an interest in this area, you could use a not-for-profit organization for your case analysis). Specifically describe their customer interaction strategies. Provide specific examples to reinforce your argument that they represent an industry exemplar in this area. As you support your assertions, make sure to use the various models and frameworks described in your readings. Ideally, if you are a customer of this organization, include some of your own personal perspectives on the ways in which the firm's social media strategies and customer relationship management have created value for you. (750 words).

Consultative Case study - 1,000 words.

Select an organization that you believe is significantly under-performing in terms of their social media and associated customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. Assume that you are a consultant to this organization. Make sure that you specifically describe areas of under-performance using the models and frameworks described in your readings. Next, provide a set of recommendations that you believe would improve their overall performance in this area. What kinds of things could this firm do to improve their performance in interacting with their customers and potential customers using internet and social media technologies? Try to also leverage your learning from previous modules where we have discussed approaches to value creation and the associated capturing of value.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Management Information Sys: What kinds of things could the firm do
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